Research interests
I am currently working in lambda-calculi and their denotational models, and in proof theory, especially from a Curry-Howard perspective. My research interests include:
- Lambda-calculi
- Proof theory
- Denotational semantics
- Logic
- Infinitary term rewriting
PhD dissertation
- The atomic lambda-mu-calculus (PDF)
Workshops, talks and publications
- Towards an atomic lambda-mu-calculus, YR-ICALP 2015. (PDF, Slides)
- From the finite to the transfinite: Λμ-terms and streams, Fanny He and Alexis Saurin, WIR 2014. (PDF, Slides)
- Towards an atomic λμ-calculus,
First year confirmation report,
University of Bath, 2014. (Slides)
- A characterization of the Taylor expansion of λ-terms,
Pierre Boudes, Fanny He and Michele Pagani, CSL 2013.
(PDF, Slides)